All instruments
Strings Section
Mixed sections performing together
- Sustain
- Staccato
- Marcato
- Tremolo
- Pizzicato
- Crescendo (Adaptive Sync)
- Col Legno
- Chords and Clusters
- Effects
Brass Section
Mixed sections performing together
- Sustain
- Staccato
- Marcato
- Crescendo (Adaptive Sync)
- Sfz-crescendo (Adaptive Sync)
- Chords
- Clusters
- Effects
Woodwind Section
Mixed sections performing together
- Sustain
- Staccato
- Marcato
- Grace Note
- Runs (Adaptive Sync)
- Clusters
- Effects
Strings & Brass Section
Mixed sections performing together
- Sustain
- Staccato
- Marcato
- Crescendo (Adaptive Sync)
- Staccatissimo
- Swell
- Trills
- Clusters
- Effects
Mixed Orchestra
Mixed sections performing together
- Hits & Rips
- Crescendos & Textures
- Trailer Risers (Adaptive Sync)
Violin Section Extras
Mixed sections performing together
- Marcato
- Short Tremolo
- Flageolet
- Flageolet Marcato
Cello & Contrabass
Mixed sections performing together
- Sustain in Octaves
- Staccato in Octaves
- Pizzicato in Octaves
- Effects
- Col Legno Hits
Trumpets & Horns
Mixed sections performing together
- Sustain
- Marcato Sustain
Horns & Trombones
Mixed sections performing together
- Sustain
- Marcato Sustain
Trombones & Tuba
Mixed sections performing together
- Sustain
- Staccato
- Crescendo (Adaptive Sync)
Strings Sul Tasto
Mixed sections performing together
- Sustain (3 mics)
String Quintet
Mixed sections performing together
- Sustain
- Staccato
- Marcato
- Pizzicato
World Winds Phrases
Mixed sections performing together
- Duduk Phrases in Cm
- Native American Flute Phrases
- Shakuhachi Effects
- Uilleann Pipes Phrases in D
- Low Whistle Phrases in D
Mixed sections performing together
- 28 inspiring Multis (musical combinations of multiple instruments)
- In various genres, including action, drama and suspense
A comprehensive selection of orchestral instrument sections